Muller vs Tarrasch
[Event "Manchester"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Muller"]
[Black "Tarrasch"]
[Result "0-1"]
[FEN "2r2bk1/2rq3p/4b1p1/p4pP1/1ppPpP2/P3P1P1/1PR2K2/1NR1QN2 w - - 0 40"]
{Tarrach commented that in position of this sort he like to move to and fro on
principle, to induce his opponent to weaken his position, or, failing at that,
at least convince him of his helplessness} 40. Nfd2 Qg7 41. Nf1 Qd7 42. Nfd2
b3 {Winning the exchange, though a difficult struggle lies ahead as teh White
Knights are well-suited to a closed position like this} 43. Rc3 Bb4 44. Nf1 $1
(44. axb4 axb4 {Black would win easily as his Rooks would have the a-file for
the invasion of White's position}) 44... Bxc3 45. Nxc3 h6 $1 { The only way to
obtaing an open file for the Rooks} 46. gxh6 Kh7 (46... Qh7 47. Na4 {The
Knight becomes very active}) 47. g4 Kxh6 48. g5+ Kg7 49. Qd2 Bd5 { Black
cannot allow the advance of the d-pawn} 50. Ng3 Rh8 51. Rh1 Rxh1 52. Nxh1 Rc8
53. Kg1 Rh8 54. Qg2 Kf7 {The King moves across to guard the Bishop and release
the Queen for duties on the open h-file} 55. Nf2 Kf8 56. Qg3 Bc6 57. Kg2 Qh7
{Now Black is not afraid of Pd5, the White position being such that the
advanced d-pawn could be easily won} 58. Kg1 Qh5 59. Kg2 Kf7 60. Kg1 Ke6 61.
Kg2 Kd6 62. Kf1 Qf3 63. Qxf3 exf3 64. Kg1 {Now comes the most attractive part
of the game. Tarrasch maneuvers so that the Knights are slowly but surely
restricted in their activities} 64... Bb7 65. Nb5+ Kd7 66. Nc3 Ba8 67. Na4
(67. Nfd1 Rh1+ $3 68. Kxh1 f2+) 67... Be4 $1 68. Nc3 (68. Nb6+ Ke6 69. Nxc4
Rc8 $1) (68. Nc5+ Kc6 69. Ncxe4 fxe4 70. Nxe4 Re8 { The Black Rook forces
entry into White's defences}) 68... Bc2 { Now White is in zugzwang} 69. Nh1
(69. Na4 Kc6 70. Nc3 Re8 71. Ncd1 Bxd1 72. Nxd1 c3 73. bxc3 Rxe3) 69... Rh3
70. Nf2 Rg3+ 71. Kf1 Bd3+ 72. Ke1 Rg1+ 73. Kd2 Rf1 74. Nxd3 (74. Nfd1 f2 75.
-- Rxd1+ 76. Nxd1 f1=Q) (74. Ncd1 Bc2 75. Kc1 Bxd1) 74... cxd3 75. Kxd3 Rc1
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