Holzhausen vs Nimzowitsch
[Event "Hanover"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Holzhausen"] [Black "Nimzowitsch"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B00"] [Opening "Nimzowitsch Defence: 2.Nf3"] 1. e4 Nc6 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 d5 4. exd5 exd5 5. Bg5 Be7 6. Bxe7 Qxe7+ 7. Qe2 Bf5 8. c3 Be4 9. Nbd2 O-O-O 10. O-O-O Nh6 11. Ne5 Nxe5 12. dxe5 Bg6 {Black is alrea dy preparing to maneuver. The weaknesses are the e-pawn and the b1-h7 diaganal; the pivot point is the e4 square} 13. Nf3 Rhe8 14. Qe3 Kb8 15. Qf4 Be4 { The value of this square is already apparent} 16. Re1 Qc5 17. Nd2 Bg6 18. Nb3 Qb6 19. Qd4 f6 20. f4 fxe5 21. fxe5 (21. Rxe5 Rxe5 22. Qxe5 Re8 $17) 21... Be4 {Now the e-pawn must fall, but afterwards is when the maneuvering beings in earnest} 22. Nd2 c5 23. Qe3 (23. Qa4 Rxe5 24. Nxe4 dxe4 25. Rxe4 Qe6 $1 $40 26. Rxe5 Qxe5 $17) 23... Rxe5 24. Qg3 Qc7 25. Bd3 Rde8 26. Bxe4 dxe4 27. Nc4 R5e6 28. Qxc7+ Kxc7 29. Ne3 $1 {The Knight es an ideal blockading square. As we have already learned, such a Knight is the perfect counter to a passed pawn} 29... Nf7 30. Kc2 Nd6 31. c4 Kc6 32. Rhf1 Rh6 $1 {A typical tacking maneuver. Black forces a weakening of the enemy pawn structure which, although apparently insignificant, now, will later become a matter of decisive importance} 33. h3 Rg6 34. Re2 a6 {Play on both flanks: the advance ... Pb5 will lead at least to an increase in Black's space control} 35. Rf4 b5 36. b3 Rg5 37. g4 Rge5 38. Kc3 a5 39. Ref2 (39. -- a4 40. -- axb3 41. axb3 bxc4 42. bxc4 {opening two Queenside files for his Rooks}) 39... a4 40. bxa4 bxc4 $1 { This temporary pawn sacrifice} 41. Rf8 (41. Nxc4 Nxc4 42. Kxc4 Ra8 {Black regai ns his pawns, at the same time removing the blockade of his passed pawn}) 41... R5e7 {Safety first. Under no circumstances will Black tolerate an enemy Rook operating behind his lines} 42. Rxe8 Rxe8 43. Nxc4 Nxc4 44. Kxc4 Ra8 { Black's alternative maneuvers have created progress. The Black Rook will now force an entry on the Queenside and then proceed to threaten the White pawns on the Kingside} 45. Rf7 { As usual in Rook endings the best defence is counterattack.} (45. Kb3 Kd5 { followed by the advance of the e-pawn would lead to a quick loss for White}) 45... Rxa4+ 46. Kb3 Rb4+ 47. Kc3 Rb7 48. Rf5 Ra7 49. Kc4 (49. -- Ra3+) 49... Ra4+ 50. Kb3 Rd4 51. Re5 Kd6 52. Re8 Rd3+ 53. Kc4 Rxh3 54. Rxe4 Ra3 $1 { This marks the culmination of the alternative maneuvers against the two weaknesses. White can no longer protect them both at the sametime} 55. Re2 Ra4+ 56. Kb5 Rxg4 57. a4 Rb4+ 58. Ka5 h5 59. Rd2+ Kc6 60. Re2 Rg4 61. Re6+ Kd5 62. Re8 h4 63. Rd8+ Kc4 64. Kb6 h3 65. Rd1 Kb4 66. Rb1+ Kxa4 67. Kxc5 g5 68. Rh1 Rg3 69. Kd4 g4 70. Ke4 Rg2 71. Kf4 h2 0-1
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OpeningB00 — Nimzowitsch Defence: 2.Nf3