Fridstein vs Smyslov
[Event "Moscow"]
[Site "Moscow-ch ;HCL 43"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Fridstein"]
[Black "Smyslov"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A46"]
[Opening "Indian: 2.Nf3"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 d5 3. c4 c6 4. Nc3 dxc4 5. e3 b5 6. a4 b4 7. Na2 e6 8. Bxc4
Be7 9. O-O O-O 10. Qe2 Bb7 11. Rd1 a5 12. Bd2 Nbd7 13. Nc1 Qb6 14. Nd3 c5 15.
Nde5 Nxe5 16. Nxe5 Rad8 {White offers a pawn} 17. Bb5 (17. dxc5 Qxc5 $1 {
White would get into difficulties. He therefore offers a pawn in order to try
for counterplay on thed-file}) 17... cxd4 18. exd4 Qxd4 (18... Rxd4 19. Be3
Rxd1+ 20. Rxd1 Qc7 21. Nd7 $1 Rd8 (21... Ra8 22. Nxf6+ Bxf6 23. Rd7) 22. Bb6 {
Smyslov}) 19. Nc4 Qd5 $1 { Black plays for attack, and is not concerned about
holding the extra pawn} 20. Qf1 Qh5 21. Nxa5 Bf3 $3 22. gxf3 (22. Nc6 Bd6 23.
h3 Bxc6 24. Bxc6 Qe5 25. g3 Qxb2 {Black wins a pawn}) 22... Rxd2 23. Rxd2 Qg5+
24. Kh1 Qxd2 {The outcome of the combination is clear enough. White's King
position is wrecked, and this fact now dictates the course of the game} 25.
Qe2 Qf4 26. Nc4 Rc8 27. Rd1 Rc5 28. Ne3 g6 (28... Rh5 29. Nf1 Bd6 30. Qe3
Rxh2+ 31. Kg1 $1 {Smyslov}) 29. Ng2 Qc7 30. Ne3 b3 $1 31. Qd3 Qf4 32. Ng2 Qb4
33. Ne3 Qh4 34. a5 Rh5 35. Nf1 Qxf2 36. Rd2 (36. -- Bc5) 36... Qc5 37. Bc4
Qxa5 38. Bxb3 Kg7 39. Ng3 Rh4 40. Kg2 Rb4 41. Qc3 (41. -- Rxb3 42. Qxb3 Qxd2+)
41... Qb5 42. Rd3 Bd6 $1 { Breaking all resistance} 43. Re3 (43. Rxd6 Rxb3
{the b-pawn falls}) 43... Bf4 44. Rd3 Be5 45. Qc2 Nd5 46. Ne2 Rh4 {Black wins
at least another pawn} 0-1
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