Capablanca vs Bernstein
[Event "San Sebastian"]
[Site "San"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Capablanca"]
[Black "Bernstein"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "4rr2/p1pb1ppk/2ppn2p/q4N2/4P1P1/1P2QP2/P1P1N2P/3RR1K1 b - - 0 22"]
{This was the position after White's 22nd move - Nd4-e2. It is apparent White
has an attack against the Black King's position but it is not so clear how to
advance the attack. Black was evidently of the opnion that his King was secure
enough and therefore deemed the time fipe for a little plundering} 22... Qxa2
$2 23. Neg3 Qxc2 $2 24. Rc1 { Played mainly to prevent Black from exchanging
Queens by ... Qc5} 24... Qb2 25. Nh5 Rh8 (25... g6 26. Qxh6+ Kg8 27. e5 $1
gxh5 28. gxh5) 26. Re2 Qe5 27. f4 Qb5 28. Nfxg7 {The correctness of this offer
hinges on the question whether White's Knight will ever escape after ... Nxg7}
28... Nc5 { This loses rapidly and hopelessly} (28... Nxg7 29. Nf6+ Kg6 30.
Nxd7 f6 31. e5 $1 Kf7 32. Nxf6 Re7 33. Ne4 dxe5 34. fxe5 $18) (28... Rd8)
(28... Qb6) 29. Nxe8 Bxe8 30. Qc3 f6 31. Nxf6+ Kg6 32. Nh5 Rg8 33. f5+ Kg5 34.
Qe3+ Kh4 35. Qg3+ 1-0
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Players | |
White | Capablanca |
Black | Bernstein |
Game | |
Moves | 13 |
Opening | |
Result | 1-0 |
Date | |
Tags |
Tournament | |
Tournament | San Sebastian |
Location | San |
Round | 1 |