Janowsky vs Steinitz
[Event "Cologne"]
[Site "Cologne"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Janowsky"]
[Black "Steinitz"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C33"]
[Opening "KGA: Bishop's Gambit, Steinitz Defence"]
{33. STEINITZ (1836-1900) Steinitz was the first player who really understood
Philidor, and especially Morphy. His games, and even more, his writings
establish him as the father of modern positional play. Things which today are
accepted without question - the occupation of the centre, the strength of the
two Bishops, the theory of weak squares - were revolutionary ideas in the days
of Steinitz. With all his gifts Steinitz has some definite weaknesses. Limited
powers of combination hampered him in deciding between what was correct in
theory and what was expedient in practise Steinitz was definitiely of the
materialistic attitude in chess. With intense will power and scientifice
argument he fought against the idea that a material deficit could be offset by
positional advantages which were not in themselves decisive. He was a great
defender, but he carried his ideas too far, sometimes imposing the rolde of
defender upon himself quite deliberately. Much of his life's work was devoted
to the demolition of gambits. "The only was to refute a gambit", said
Steinitz, "is to accept it". The dangers he was willing to face in support of
this dogma are shown in the following game} 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Ne7 4.
Qh5 Ng6 5. Nc3 Qe7 $6 {This may conflict with what Steinitz himself taught
about the development of pieces; no matter! Steinitz is determined to refute
this gambit and if he cannont do it with normal moves, he means to do it with
abnormal ones} 6. d4 Nc6 7. Nf3 Qb4 8. Qd5 Nd8 {Forced, but quite typical of
Steinitz, who often withdrew pieces to the back rank} 9. a3 Qe7 10. O-O d6 {In
order to force simplification, thus reducing White's pressure by playing ...
Be6} 11. Qh5 c6 12. Bd2 Ne6 13. Rae1 (13. d5 Nc5 14. Rae1 Nd7 { Black can use
the excellent central outpost on e5}) 13... Qc7 14. d5 $1 Nd8 15. e5 $1
{Black's opening experiment has been refuted; his situation is truly critical,
such that many would think of resigning. But in such positions Steinitz's
defensive powers bordered on the miraculous} 15... dxe5 16. Nxe5 Bc5+ 17. Kh1
O-O 18. dxc6 Be3 $1 (18... bxc6 19. Nxg6 hxg6 20. Qxc5) (18... Nxc6 19. Nxg6
hxg6 20. Qxc5) (18... Nxe5 19. Rxe5 Bd6 20. Nd5 Qxc6 21. Nf6+ $1 gxf6 22. Rg5+
$1 {Thus Black is on the verge of destruction}) 19. Nf3 $2 (19. Bxe3 Qxe5 20.
Qxe5 Nxe5 21. cxb7 Bxb7 22. Rxf4 Nxc4 23. Rxc4 {despite opposite coloured
Bishops, White has a winning endgame. However, the ever over-optimistic
Janowsky intends to force a "brilliant" middlegame victory}) 19... Bxd2 20.
Ng5 h6 21. Qxg6 hxg5 22. Nd5 Qxc6 (22... fxg6 $11 23. Nxc7+ Kh7 24. Nxa8 Bxe1
25. Rxe1 Nxc6) 23. Ne7+ Kh8 24. Qxg5 (24. Bxf7 $1 Nxf7 25. Nxc6 Bxe1 26. Ne7
Bd2 27. Qh5+ Nh6 28. Ng6+ Kg8 29. Nxf8 Kxf8 30. h4 {Equal chances} 30... gxh4
$2 31. Qc5+ Ke8 32. Qe5+ Kf8 33. Qd6+) 24... Qh6 25. Qc5 Ne6 26. Bxe6 Bxe6 27.
Re5 Be3 $1 28. Qb5 g6 { Now it's becoming clear that Black is taking over the
attack} 29. Qxb7 Kg7 $1 30. Qf3 (30. -- Qxh2+ 31. Kxh2 Rh8+) 30... Rad8 31. h3
Qh4 32. Nc6 Bg4 { If the Queen moves away then 33. ... Bxh3! wins} 33. Qxg4
Qxg4 34. hxg4 Rh8+ 35. Rh5 gxh5 0-1
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