Breyer vs Tarrasch
[Event "Goteborg"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Breyer"] [Black "Tarrasch"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "D00"] [Opening "Queen's Pawn: 2.e3 Nf6"] {35. TARRASCH (1862-1934) Tarrasch continued the work of Steinitz and made it readily available to everyone. His attitude toward actual play was a more practical one, if less courageous and perhaps less profound. His style might be described as "best-quality read made". In his later years he had to meet all the novel ideas put forawrd by such players as Reti and Breyer, and suffered many disappointments against younger players. Through his writings Tarrasch did more than any man has done to reveal the secrets of good chess to players in general. The many rules he laid down have put many a moderate player on the right lines: Don not play Knights to the edge of the board; occupy the centre with your pawns; constricted positions contain the seeds of defeat; two Bishops are strong than two knights or Knight and Bishop; in the endgame the Rook should be placed behind the passed pawn etc. But Tarrasch proclaimed only the rules, and ignored the many exceptions. The influence of Tarrasch is still felt today, and will apparently continue to be. His dislike for constricted positions was so strong that he would accept a weakening of his pawn strucutre in preference. In this respect he differed from Steinitz who had a liking for defending constricted positions} 1. d4 d5 2. e3 Nf6 3. Nf3 e6 4. Nbd2 Bd6 5. c4 b6 { A preventitive measure, designed to stop Pc5, which would seriously cramp Black } 6. Qc2 Bb7 7. c5 $6 {Now this is a strategical error, since White loses pawn control of the centre. This opinoun comes from Tarrasch in his book "The Game of Chess". From this point on we use some of his notes.} 7... bxc5 8. dxc5 Be7 {Black has exchanged his b-pawn for White's d-pawn ie. a wing pawn for a central pawn} 9. b4 O-O 10. Bb2 a5 11. b5 {Now White's c-pawn comes under fire} (11. a3) 11... c6 12. a4 Nbd7 13. Bd4 Re8 $1 { Black's intentions are clear: he is going to play ... Pe5} 14. Rc1 Bf8 15. Qb2 Ng4 16. h3 Nh6 17. Nb3 f6 18. Qa3 e5 19. Bc3 Qc7 {The right moment} 20. Bb2 ( 20. b6 Qxb6) 20... Rec8 21. Qa2 $1 {a tactical intermezzo} 21... Qd8 $1 (21... cxb5 $2 22. c6 $1 Bxc6 23. axb5 {loses a piece}) 22. b6 {The advance of White's Queenside majority has produced a protected passed b-pawn, but the c-pawn remains shakey} 22... Be7 23. Qb1 Qf8 24. Qc2 Nf7 25. h4 Nd8 { Now everything hinges on the c-pawn} 26. g3 Ne6 27. Bh3 { Seemingly protecting the c-pawn indirectly} 27... Nexc5 $1 { Sacrificing the exchange to secure an overwhelming central pawn roller} 28. Nxc5 Nxc5 29. Ba3 Nd3+ 30. Qxd3 Bxa3 31. Bxc8 Rxc8 32. Ra1 Bb4+ 33. Nd2 { To give some idea of Tarrasch's style of analysis and clarity with which he could set out the essentials of the position, we give here his note on this position: "Black has far and away the better game. As regards material it is quite likely in the endgame a Rook and two Bishops will turn out to be stronger than Rooks and a Knight; furthermore the b-pawn is bound to fall. Black's centre is very strong, and teh advance of the d-pawn and c-pawn will produce a pair of united passed pawns. White is still uncastled, and Black can play to preven Kingside castling by ... Ra8 and ... Ba6. The White Rooks have not a single open file at their disposal, and the Knight is pinned. In reality White has only his Queen in play. It is now up to Black to utilize his chances tactically. The simplest way thought perhaps not the best, would be ... Qc5 followed by ... Qxb6 and then advance the c-pawn. Black plays however to prevent castling, to deprive the opponent of all good moves, to force all his pieces - especially Knight - to unfavourable positions and finally reduce him to desparation} 33... e4 34. Qb3 (34. Qc2 Ra8 35. -- Ba6) 34... c5 35. Kd1 c4 36. Qa2 Qd6 37. Ke2 Ba6 38. b7 Rb8 39. Kd1 Rxb7 {Tarrasch once said that there was nothing more difficult to do than win a won game, but in the present case he himself as given a precise demonstations of how to do it} 40. f3 Kh8 41. fxe4 dxe4 42. Kc1 Qxg3 43. Nf1 Qe1+ 44. Kc2 Qc3+ 45. Kd1 Qd3+ 46. Kc1 Rd7 47. Qc2 Ba3+ 48. Rxa3 Qxa3+ 49. Qb2 Rd1+ 50. Kc2 Qd3# 0-1
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OpeningD00 — Queen's Pawn: 2.e3 Nf6