Schulten vs Morphy
[Event "New York"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Schulten"]
[Black "Morphy"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C33"]
[Opening "KGA: Bishop's Gambit"]
1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Nc3 { 4.d3 is a move that leads to fewer
complications.} 4... Bb4 5. e5 {If Black wer e forced to move the knight this
would be a good move, but White has a superior option.} 5... d5 6. exf6 dxc4
7. fxg7 Rg8 {At first glance this looks good for White, since the Black pawn
structure is a mess. But even in 1857 it was known that Black has compensation
since it is easier to develop the remaining pieces.} 8. Qe2+ Be6 9. a3 Bc5 {
All White has done is push the bishop to a better location.} 10. Nf3 Nc6 11.
Ne4 {White tries to play actively with such pieces are already developed. The
problem is the king, which is stuck in the middle of the board and has no
prospects of castling.} 11... Nd4 12. Nxd4 Bxd4 13. c3 Qh4+ 14. Kf1 {14.Kd1
Bg4 } 14... Bb6 15. d4 cxd3 16. Qxd3 Rd8 17. Qe2 {Now the queen is overworked.
Not only must f2 and d1 be guarded, but also c4. Black can now win
brilliantly. Do you see how? Be careful, though. There is also a trap!} 17...
Rd1+ { 17...Bc4 18.Nf6+} 0-1
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