Morphy vs Lyttleton
[Event "Blindfold Game"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Morphy"]
[Black "Lyttleton"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C39"]
[Opening "KGA: 3.Nf3 g5 4.h4"]
1. e4 e5 {Morphy's opponent is not just an ordinary citizen, but a British
Lord and President of the British Chess Association. All of which is of no use
when seated at the chessboard against Morphy, even when Morphy is
blindfolded!} 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 g5 4. h4 g4 5. Ne5 { This position was
frequently seen in games played in the 19th century.} 5... d6 6. Nxg4 Be7
{Black gains time by attacking the weak pawn at h4.} 7. d4 { White occupies
the center, achieving one of the primary objectives of the opening.} 7...
Bxh4+ 8. Nf2 Bxf2+ {It might have been nice to maintain this pin a bit longer,
but Black wants to be able to bring the knight at g8 into the game.} 9. Kxf2
Nf6 10. Nc3 Qe7 11. Bxf4 Nxe4+ 12. Nxe4 Qxe4 13. Bb5+ { A powerful move,
threatening a nasty pin with Re1.} 13... Kf8 {13...c6 14.Re1} 14. Bh6+ Kg8 15.
Rh5 {White is closing in for the kill. The king is trapped along the back
rank, so if White can get a rook or queen to the e- file and then to e8, the
game ends.} 15... Bf5 16. Qd2 {The threat is Re1.} 16... Bg6 17. Re1 {The move
that was set-up by 13.Bb5+ finishes the game, as if the queen moves, Re8+
mates.} 1-0
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