Pollock vs Lasker
[Event "Hastings"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Pollock"]
[Black "Lasker"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C51"]
[Opening "Evans Gambit"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 Bb6 5. c3 d6 6. a4 a6 7. a5 { This is
premature. White gives up control of b5 for nothing.} 7... Ba7 8. b5 { Also
premature. White is wasting time and creating targets on his ownqueenside. }
8... axb5 9. Bxb5 Nf6 10. a6 O-O 11. d3 Ne7 {White has lost a lot of time on
the queenside and has no real attack there, so Black heads for the kingside.}
12. axb7 Bxb7 {Now all of Black's pieces are aimed at the kingside, but White
can't put his king anywhere else: the open files make the queenside unsafe,
and Black can always open the center by ...d5.} 13. Na3 d5 14. O-O Ng6 15.
exd5 Nxd5 {Now White can't keep a Black knight out of f4 except by g3, which
would give Black the entire a8-h1 diagonal on a silver platter.} 16. Qe1 Qf6
17. Bg5 Qf5 18. Nc2 Nxc3 19. Rxa7 {White needs e3 for his knight in lines like
19 Qxc3 Bxf3 20 Bc1 Qg4, since 21 g3 fails to 21... Qh3.} 19... Bxf3 20. Ne3 {
20 Rxa8 fails after either 20...Rxa8 or 20...Ne2+.} 20... Qxg5 21. Rxa8 Rxa8
22. Qxc3 Nf4 23. Ra1 Ne2+ {White apparently forgot that Black's bishop was
protecting his rook, so now he just loses his queen, though there was no
defense to Black's threats to e2 and g2.} 0-1
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