Kmoch vs Alekhine
[Event "Vienna"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Kmoch"]
[Black "Alekhine"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A46"]
[Opening "Indian: 2.Nf3"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 d5 3. c4 c6 4. e3 Bf5 5. Nbd2 {5.Qb3 would try to take
advantage of Black's light squared bishop leaving the b-pawn undefended.} 5...
e6 6. Be2 Nbd7 7. O-O Bd6 8. c5 Bc7 9. b4 Ne4 10. Nxe4 dxe4 {10...Bxe4 11 .Nd2
f5 12.Nxe4 fxe4 when White's two bishops and queenside initiative would give
him the advantage .} 11. Nd2 h5 {With White having the better of it on the
queenside it is only natural that Black should start a kingside attack.} 12.
f4 {White was afraid of the Black bishop on c7 aiming at his king so he locks
him out. However, a new target has appeared the White pawn on f4.} 12... g5
13. g3 {This slow defending move allows Black a winning initiative. 13.Nc4 Nf6
14.Ne5 gxf4 15.exf4 Although Black would still retain the better chances due
to the weakness of White's pawn on d4.} 13... Nf6 {Black idea is to play
14...h4 without White being able to block the kingside with pawn g4. 13...h4
14.g4 when White has blocked Black's play on the g-file.} 14. Bb2 { 14.fxg5
Ng4 when Black regains his pawn with a kingside initiative.} 14... gxf4 15.
exf4 h4 16. Qb3 {16.g4, trying to keep the kingside closed would be met with
16...Rg8 17.h3 Nd5 would win White's f-pawn.} 16... hxg3 17. hxg3 Nd5 18. Nc4
Nxf4 {With this sacrifice Black is able to attack the exposed position of
White's king. Notice that White's pieces are misplaced, and cannot help defend
their monarch.} 19. Rae1 { 19.gxf4 Qh4 would leave White defenseless against
the attack down the h- file.} 19... Qg5 20. d5 Nd3 {White resigned. Can you
see why?} 0-1
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