Bondarevsky vs Smyslov
[Event "Soviet Union"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Bondarevsky"]
[Black "Smyslov"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C70"]
[Opening "Spanish: 4.Ba4"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Bxc6 {White plays the
Delayed Exchange variation of the Spanish Game. On the one had he will double
Black's c-pawns, but on the other hand he concedes the bishop pair to Black.}
6... dxc6 7. Re1 Nd7 {7...Bg4 pinning the White knight is also possible.} 8.
d4 exd4 9. Qxd4 {Although, material is equal White has an extra pawn on the
kingside which gives him a pawn majority.} 9... O-O 10. Bf4 {10.Nc3 Nc5 11.
Qxd8 Rxd8 12.Bg5 f6 13.Be3 Ne6 would leave White with his pawn majority on the
kingside.} 10... Nc5 11. Qxd8 Bxd8 {Ideally White would like to exchange off
all the pieces reaching a king and pawn ending. The reason for this is that
White could make a passed pawn with his e-pawn by using his pawn majority.}
12. Nc3 f5 {Black responds with an active move.} 13. e5 {This is a prem ature
advance of the pawn. Better was 13.Bg5. 13.Bg5 Bxg5 14.Nxg5 h6 when Black has
a drawing chances.} 13... Ne6 14. Bd2 g5 {White now stands worse since his
e-pawn is blockaded and in need of constant defense.} 15. Ne2 c5 { Taking the
d4 square away from the White knights.} 16. Bc3 b5 17. b3 { 17.Rad1 would
allow Black to win a piece.} 17... Bb7 18. Ng3 g4 19. Nd2 Be7 20. Nh5 Kf7 21.
Nf1 Kg6 22. Nf6 Rad8 23. Rad1 Rxd1 24. Rxd1 Rd8 25. Rxd8 Bxd8 { The ending is
better for Black who has the two bishops and the White e-pawn blockaded.} 26.
Ne3 {26.Bb2} 26... f4 27. Nd1 Bxf6 28. exf6 Be4 29. Bb2 b4 { 29...Bxc2 30.Nc3
would allow White's knight more activity and since the c- pawn isn't going
anywhere there is no rush in taking it.} 30. f3 { 30.c3 would allow Black to
win a piece.} 30... Bxc2 31. Nf2 gxf3 32. gxf3 Bb1 33. Ne4 Bxa2 {Black is two
pawns up has no problems winning.} 34. Nd2 a5 35. Kf2 Nd4 36. Bxd4 cxd4 37.
Ke2 Kxf6 38. Kd3 Ke5 39. Kc2 a4 { A pawn sacrifice which gives Black three
passed pawns.} 40. bxa4 { 40.Kb2 Bxb3 41.Nxb3 axb3 42.Kxb3 d3 With a winning
pawn ending for Black.} 40... c5 {Black's pawns are too much for White to
handle.} 41. a5 c4 42. a6 d3+ {White resigned as he can't stop the pawns for
example 43.Kb2 c3+ 44. Kxa2 cxd2 45.a7 d1Q 46.a8Q when Black is able to win
White's queen. Do you see how?} 0-1
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Players | |
White | Bondarevsky |
Black | Smyslov |
Game | |
Moves | 42 |
Opening | C70 — Spanish: 4.Ba4 |
Result | 0-1 |
Date | |
Tags |
Tournament | |
Tournament | Soviet Union |
Location | ? |
Round | 0 |