Botvinnik vs Keres
[Event "World Championship Tournament"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Botvinnik"] [Black "Keres"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E46"] [Opening "Nimzo-Indian: 4.e3 O-O"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 O-O 5. a3 Bxc3+ 6. bxc3 Re8 7. Ne2 e5 8. Ng3 d6 9. Be2 Nbd7 {Here the knight makes it difficult to develop the bishop at c8, so 9...Nc6 would have been better.} 10. O-O c5 11. f3 cxd4 {This is a mi stake because there really isn't any chance of creating play along the c-file.} 12. cxd4 Nb6 13. Bb2 exd4 14. e4 {White takes control of the center. The d-pawn can be recovered later, since it is so weak that there is no way that Black will be able to hold onto it.} 14... Be6 15. Rc1 { Admirable patience! On 15.Qxd4 Na4 Black might have had some counterplay.} 15... Re7 16. Qxd4 Qc7 {Black would have done better to transfer a knight to c5 via a4. Now White breaks through decisively.} 17. c5 dxc5 18. Rxc5 Qf4 { Black must guard against checkmate at g7. White needs to apply more pressure. The difficult move to find is White's next, because the bishop seems to be so well placed at b2.} 19. Bc1 {The reasoning here is that White wants to bring a rook to g5, but that square is guarded by the queen. Therefore White drives away the enemy queen and takes control of the g5-square, attacking g7 from the front.} 19... Qb8 20. Rg5 Nbd7 {What now? White exploits the central position of the queen to set up a deadly pin, sacrificing a rook in the process.} 21. Rxg7+ Kxg7 {Now the Nf6 is pinned, and that allows White to bring more pieces into the attack.} 22. Nh5+ Kg6 {If the Black king had retreated, White would simply have captured at f6 with an overpowering game.} 23. Qe3 {The threat is Qg5 mate, whether or not Black captures at h5. There being no adequate defense, Black resigned.} 1-0
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OpeningE46 — Nimzo-Indian: 4.e3 O-O
TournamentWorld Championship Tournament