Tal vs Smyslov
[Event "Bled Candidates"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Tal"]
[Black "Smyslov"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B10"]
[Opening "Caro-Kann: Breyer, 3.Nd2 e5"]
1. e4 c6 2. d3 d5 3. Nd2 e5 4. Ngf3 Nd7 {Black hopes to consolidate his pawn
center, but White decides to open the game instead of allowing this.} 5. d4
dxe4 6. Nxe4 exd4 7. Qxd4 Ngf6 8. Bg5 Be7 9. O-O-O O-O {With the center open
and kings on opposite sides the stage is set for a dogfight.} 10. Nd6 Qa5 11.
Bc4 b5 12. Bd2 { White frees g5 for his knight and drives Black's queen to a
weaker square.} 12... Qa6 13. Nf5 Bd8 14. Qh4 {White gives up his bishop to
gain time to get the rest of his pieces into the attack.} 14... bxc4 15. Qg5
Nh5 16. Nh6+ Kh8 17. Qxh5 Qxa2 18. Bc3 Nf6 {So far Black has defended well and
he could hold by 18...Bf6. The text loses because the weakness of Black's back
rank.} 19. Qxf7 { Now all of the squares around Black's king are under
attack.} 19... Qa1+ 20. Kd2 Rxf7 21. Nxf7+ Kg8 22. Rxa1 Kxf7 23. Ne5+ Ke6 24.
Nxc6 Ne4+ 25. Ke3 Bb6+ 26. Bd4 1-0
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