Botvinnik vs Petrosian
[Event "World Championship"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Botvinnik"]
[Black "Petrosian"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D31"]
[Opening "QGD: Alatortsev, 5.Bf4"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Be7 4. cxd5 exd5 5. Bf4 c6 6. e3 Bf5 7. g4 Be6 8. h3
Nf6 9. Nf3 Nbd7 10. Bd3 Nb6 11. Qc2 Nc4 12. Kf1 { The White king will find
safety on the g2 square.} 12... Nd6 13. Nd2 Qc8 14. Kg2 Nd7 15. f3 {15.Bxh7 g6
16.Bxg6 fxg6 17.Bxd6 Bxd6 18.Qxg6+ Ke7 The piece would be more valuable than
the three pawns.} 15... g6 16. Rac1 { 16.e4 gaining key central ground was
better.} 16... Nb6 17. b3 Qd7 18. Ne2 Ndc8 {Black's idea is to oppose the
powerful bishop on f4, with Bd6. While the knight heads towards e7.} 19. a4 a5
20. Bg3 Bd6 21. Nf4 Ne7 22. Nf1 h5 { Now that Black has the center under
control, he gains ground on the flank.} 23. Be2 h4 24. Bh2 g5 25. Nd3 Qc7 26.
Qd2 Nd7 27. Bg1 {White is wrong to run from the fight. As Black now has
possession of the b8-h2 diagonal.} 27... Ng6 28. Bh2 Ne7 {This move can be
explained by the match standing. Black was willing to take a draw by repeating
the position over and over.} 29. Bd1 b6 30. Kg1 f6 31. e4 Bxh2+ 32. Qxh2 Qxh2+
33. Rxh2 Rd8 34. Kf2 Kf7 35. Ke3 Rhe8 36. Rd2 Kg7 37. Kf2 dxe4 38. fxe4 Nf8
39. Ne1 Nfg6 40. Ng2 Rd7 {A dynamic pos ition. The question is whether White's
center pawns are strong or targets for the Black pieces to attack.} 41. Bc2
Bf7 42. Nfe3 c5 43. d5 Ne5 44. Rf1 { 44.Nc4 challenging the Black knight on e5
was a better choice.} 44... Bg6 45. Ke1 {45.Nc4} 45... Nc8 46. Rdf2 Rf7 47.
Kd2 Nd6 {The Black knights have set up a powerful blockade and soon advance
with decisive effect.} 48. Nf5+ Bxf5 49. exf5 c4 {The White pieces, consisting
of a bad bishop, two inactive rooks and a knight that is out of play, can only
watch as the queenside is torn apart.} 50. Rb1 b5 51. b4 c3+ {Black clears the
c-file for the decisive attack.} 52. Kxc3 Rc7+ 53. Kd2 Nec4+ 54. Kd1 Na3 55.
Rb2 Ndc4 56. Ra2 axb4 57. axb5 Nxb5 { The Black knights rule the board.} 58.
Ra6 Nc3+ 59. Kc1 Nxd5 60. Ba4 Rec8 61. Ne1 Nf4 {Faced with multiple threats
White resigned.} 0-1
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