Petrosian vs Botvinnik
[Event "World Championship"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Petrosian"] [Black "Botvinnik"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A17"] [Opening "English: Anglo-Queen's Indian"] 1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. g3 Bb7 5. Bg2 Be7 6. O-O O-O 7. d4 Ne4 8. Qc2 Nxc3 9. Qxc3 f5 10. b3 Bf6 11. Bb2 d6 12. Rad1 Nd7 13. Ne1 Bxg2 14. Nxg2 Bg5 { 14...Qe7 Finishing Black's development is also possible.} 15. Qc2 Bh6 16. e4 f4 17. Ne1 Qe7 {This move does nothing to stop White's play in the center. Better was 17...Qg5. 17...Qg5 18.e5 dxe5 19.dxe5 Nxe5} 18. e5 dxe5 19. dxe5 Rad8 20. Qe2 Qg5 21. Kg2 a5 22. Nf3 Qh5 23. Ba3 Rfe8 { 23...Rf7 Followed up by pawn g5 would retain Black's attacking chances.} 24. Rd4 {With Black's kingside attack having been repulsed, White directs his attention to the center.} 24... Nb8 25. Rfd1 Rxd4 26. Rxd4 fxg3 27. hxg3 { White stands better due to his more active pieces and better pawn structure.} 27... Qf7 28. Qe4 g6 29. Qb7 Bg7 30. c5 { This thrust creates further holes in Black's pawn structure.} 30... bxc5 31. Bxc5 Nd7 32. Qxc7 Nxe5 33. Qxf7+ Nxf7 34. Ra4 Bc3 35. Rc4 { 35.Bd4 Also puts great pressure on Black's position.} 35... Bf6 36. Bb6 Ra8 37. Ra4 Bc3 38. Bd4 Bb4 39. a3 Bd6 { 39...Be7 40.b4 Bd8 41.Bc3 Rc8 would put up more resistance.} 40. b4 Bc7 41. Bc3 Kf8 42. b5 {White creates a very strong passed pawn. 42.bxa5 was also good.} 42... Ke8 43. Rc4 Kd7 44. a4 Rc8 45. Nd2 Nd6 46. Rd4 Ke7 47. Rd3 Nb7 48. Ne4 { Black can offer little resistance to White's protected passed pawn and more active pieces.} 48... e5 49. Bb2 Bb6 50. Ba3+ Ke6 51. Ng5+ Kf5 52. Nxh7 e4 53. g4+ {53.Rd7 would have been more active.} 53... Kf4 54. Rd7 Rc7 55. Rxc7 Bxc7 56. Nf6 Bd8 57. Nd7 Kxg4 58. b6 Bg5 59. Nc5 Nxc5 60. Bxc5 Bf4 61. b7 Bb8 62. Be3 g5 {62...Kf5 63.Kh3 g5 64.Bd2 Ke6 65.Kg4 Kd7 66.Bxg5 Kc7 67.Bf4+ Kxb7 68. Bxb8 Kxb8 69.Kf5 with a won king and pawn ending for White.} 63. Bd2 Kf5 64. Kh3 Bd6 65. Bxa5 g4+ 66. Kg2 { Black resigned in view of White's queenside pawns.} 1-0
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OpeningA17 — English: Anglo-Queen's Indian
TournamentWorld Championship