Kasparov vs Roizman
[Event "Minsk"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Kasparov"] [Black "Roizman"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C61"] [Opening "Spanish: Bird's, 5.O-O"] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nd4 {Black loses time to exchange knights because he hopes the pawn he gets on d4 will cramp me.} 4. Nxd4 exd4 5. O-O Bc5 6. d3 c6 7. Bc4 {Now I am threatening to win a pawn.} 7... d6 8. f4 {With Black 's pawn on d4 and not e5, I can grab more space in the center and on the kingside. } 8... Nf6 {8...Be6 9.Bxe6 fxe6 10.f5 In this position I'm already threatening to win on the kingside.} 9. e5 dxe5 {Black helps me to open the center while his king still lives there. He should have played 9...Nd5 to keep things closed.} 10. Bxf7+ Kxf7 11. fxe5 { I will get my piece back because of the pin on Black's knight.} 11... Qd5 { 11...Be7 12.exf6 Bxf6 13.Bg5 And Black will still end up with an isolated pawn on f6.} 12. exf6 gxf6 {Since my rook is already attacking the isolated pawn on f6, I will have no trouble lining up the rest of my pieces to attack it.} 13. Nd2 Rg8 {Black hopes to get counterplay along the g-file.} 14. Ne4 Be7 15. Bf4 Rg6 16. Qe2 Bg4 17. Qf2 Rag8 18. Rae1 h5 {18...Be2 19. Rxe2 Rxg2+ 20.Qxg2 Rxg2+ 21.Rxg2 Black's counterplay is over and I have two rooks and a knight for the queen.} 19. Bg5 { My attack on f6 is even stronger because Black's king lives behind it.} 19... Qd8 { 19...Rxg5 20.Nxf6 and Black can't keep my rooks and queen away from his king.} 20. Qf4 Be6 21. h4 {Now I am threatening to capture on f6.} 21... Bd5 { Black hopes to prevent me from taking on f6 by tying me down to the defense of g2.} 22. g4 {So I am willing to sacrifice that pawn in order not to have to defend it. Although it seems I am exposing my own king, Black's pieces can't get at it, and his Rg6 has no where to run if I get a pawn to h5.} 22... Kg7 { 22...hxg4 23.h5} 23. gxh5 fxg5 24. Qe5+ Kh6 25. hxg6 gxh4 26. Rf5 Kxg6 27. Kh2 {Black resigned because he is down material and his king is helpless against the direct attack from my rooks and queen.} 1-0
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OpeningC61 — Spanish: Bird's, 5.O-O