Kasparov vs Hjorth
[Event "World Junior Championship"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Kasparov"] [Black "Hjorth"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "D30"] [Opening "QGD: Tarrasch without Nc3"] 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 c5 4. cxd5 exd5 5. g3 Nc6 6. Bg2 Nf6 7. Nc3 Be7 8. O-O O-O {The Classical Tarrasch is an interesting defense which I have played from both sides of the board.} 9. Bg5 c4 {This is a risky variation. For a while, this game stood as the refutation of the line, though improvements for Black have been found.} 10. Ne5 Be6 11. f4 Nxe5 12. fxe5 {I introduced this move in the present game. The idea is that the f-file will be a useful asset in the attack and that a pawn at d4 may be helpful too.} 12... Ne4 13. Bxe7 Nxc3 14. bxc3 Qxe7 {The only strategy available to White is to try to eliminate Black's pawn at d5 so that the central pawns can advance. Black will try to thrust the queenside pawns forward as quickly as possible.} 15. e4 Qd7 16. a4 {A very impo rtant move, restraining Black's queenside play. That accomplished, White can turn his attention to the kingside.} 16... Rfd8 17. Qh5 Rac8 {The battle lines are drawn. Now White doubles rooks on the f- file. This will leave the a-pawn hanging, but if the attack is fast enough it won't matter.} 18. Rf4 Rc7 19. Raf1 Qxa4 {Black should be worrying about the defense of his kingside, so 19... Qe8 was best, although White would retain a strong initiative.} 20. exd5 Rxd5 { Forced, since otherwise f7 loses its most valuable defender. The f7- square is the cornerstone of Black's position, and obviously White would like to play Rxf7 as soon as feasible.} 21. Bxd5 Bxd5 {The material is not important. If White does not break through quickly Black will make a new queen on the other flank. The goal is achieved effectively.} 22. e6 {What is surprising about this move is that it seems to contribute nothing to the task of deflecting the bishop from f7. In fact, however, it opens up the d5-square so that the White pawn can chase the bishop from the key square.} 22... Bxe6 23. d5 Qb5 { This creates a pin on the 5th rank, but the pin can be easily broken. 23...Rc5 24.Rxf7! 23...g6 24.Qh4 with the threat of Qd8+.} 24. Rh4 { The simultaneous threats at e6 and h7 force victory.} 24... Qc5+ 25. Rf2 Bxd5 26. Rd4 {This breaks the pin at f2 while exploiting the pin along the 5th rank. } 26... Rd7 27. Rf5 1-0
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OpeningD30 — QGD: Tarrasch without Nc3
TournamentWorld Junior Championship