Pares vs Kasparov
[Event "Simultaneous Exhibition"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Pares"] [Black "Kasparov"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B70"] [Opening "Sicilian: Dragon"] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 { The Dragon variation is favored by those who enjoy razor sharp tactics.} 6. Be3 Bg7 7. f3 Nc6 8. Qd2 O-O 9. Bc4 {The Yugoslav variation which is considered the most aggressive line in White's quest to slay the Dragon.} 9... Bd7 10. O-O-O Rc8 11. Bb3 Ne5 12. h4 h5 {This position has been debated by theory without any conclusion having yet been reached.} 13. Bg5 {13.Bh6 Bxh6 14.Qxh6 Rxc3 15.bxc3 also leads to unbalanced positions with chances for both sides.} 13... Rc5 {In order to support the pawn at b5.} 14. Rhe1 { 14.Kb1 b5 15.g4 hxg4 16.h5 is more testing of Black's opening play.} 14... b5 15. f4 Nc4 16. Bxc4 bxc4 {Clearing the b-file for the attack.} 17. e5 Qb6 { Black has an advantage thanks to his queenside initiative coming ahead of White's kingside attack.} 18. exf6 exf6 {The point! White's bishop is trapped!} 19. Re7 Rb8 { Black doesn't waste time recapturing the piece, as it isn't going anywhere.} 20. b3 Qd8 21. Rde1 fxg5 {Black's dark squared bishop, commonly referred to as the eye of the Dragon, exerts strong pressure on the h8-a1 diagonal.} 22. hxg5 cxb3 23. axb3 {23.cxb3 Rxc3+ 24.Qxc3 Rc8 wins material while maintaining the dark squared attack.} 23... Qa5 { White's dark squares collapse and with them goes the king.} 24. Nb1 Qa1 { Continuing with the dark squared theme.} 25. c3 Rbc8 26. c4 Rxc4+ 27. bxc4 Rxc4+ {White resigned as material loss is unavoidable.} 0-1
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OpeningB70 — Sicilian: Dragon
TournamentSimultaneous Exhibition