Spassky vs Fischer
[Event "Belgrade"] [Site "?"] [Round "22"] [White "Spassky"] [Black "Fischer"] [ECO "B20"] [Opening "Sicilian: Keres Variation (2.Ne2)"] 1. e4 c5 2. Ne2 Nf6 3. Nbc3 d6 4. g3 Nc6 {Finally we have a fairly normal Closed Sicilian. Spassky has a great deal of experience in these positions from the White side, as it used to be his speciality. But this game does not flow into his well-traveled territory.} 5. Bg2 g6 {5...Bg4 is a sensible try, pinning the knight and encouraging the weakening move f2-f3 but it hasn't been seen in a while.} 6. O-O Bg7 7. d3 O-O {The game is in the classical spirit. Nowadays Black usually prefers to place the knight at e7 when fianchettoing the king bishop.} 8. h3 {Here Black has a wide range of options.} 8... Rb8 { Black aims for early queenside play.} 9. f4 Bd7 { 9...Ne8 comes into consideration.} 10. Be3 {10.g4 is premature, since White has not completed development. An unconvincing example is presented in Koskela-Gerelma, below.} 10... b5 11. a3 {11.Qd2 is consistent with White's opening strategy. If the knight is attacked with b5-b4 then it can transfer to the kingside.} 11... Ne8 {The idea is to use the power of the Bg7 to support the invasion of the knight at d4.} 12. d4 cxd4 13. Nxd4 b4 {On the one nd this entails a weakening of the pawn at a7, but the rook will be active at b4, where it can place pressure on White's center from the flank, another hypermodern idea.} 14. Nxc6 {14.axb4 Bxd4 15.Bxd4 Rxb4 16.Bf2 Rxb2} 14... Bxc6 15. axb4 Rxb4 16. Rxa7 Rxb2 17. e5 {This leads to a great simplification of the position. White could have played with a bit more ambition. 17.Nd5 Bxd5 18. exd5 is slightly better for White.} 17... Bxg2 18. Kxg2 Nc7 19. exd6 exd6 20. Na4 Ra2 21. Bb6 Qe8 {The only move, but a sufficient one. Now the game comes to a quick and quiet conclusion.} 22. Rxc7 Qxa4 23. Qxd6 Rxc2+ 24. Rxc2 Qxc2+ 25. Bf2 Qe4+ 26. Kg1 *
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OpeningB20 — Sicilian: Keres Variation (2.Ne2)