Poletayev vs Flohr
[Event "Moscow"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Poletayev"]
[Black "Flohr"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "8/k1q2pp1/pp1rp3/3n4/P7/1R4PP/2P1Q1B1/6K1 w - - 0 1"]
[ECO "A10"]
[Opening "English"]
{A position in which an active Bishop proves too strong for a knight Both king
positions are seriously weakened, and but for the presence of minor pieces on
the board Black would have the better chances, due to his extra pawn. Yet in
the present circumstances the White bishop is so much stronger than the Black
knight that White has a won game. The bishop not only shields the weakness of
White's king position, but also lends decisive strength to the attack which
follows.} 1. c4 { First of all, the hostile Knight must be dislodged from his
strong position.} 1... Ne7 2. Qf3 Qc6 3. Qxf7 Qc5+ 4. Kh2 Rd1 {Black suddenly
produced the counterthreat of Qg1 mate, a threat not easily parried.} 5. Re3
$1 (5. g4 Qd6+ 6. Rg3 Rd3 $132) (5. h4 g5 $1) 5... b5 { since defence is
useless, Black makes one last desparate attempt} (5... Qxe3 6. Qxe7+ Kb8 7.
Qb7#) (5... Rd7 6. Qxe6 (6. Qf3)) 6. Qxe6 Nc8 7. a5 $1 { Preventing the escape
of the King via b6} 7... Qc7 (7... -- 8. Qf7+) 8. Qe4 Qb8 9. Qg4 1-0
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