Bogolyubov vs Kramer
[Event "Travemunde"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Bogolyubov"]
[Black "Kramer"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D00"]
[Opening "Trompowsky: 2...d5"]
{Successful attack on d4} 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5 d5 3. Nc3 c6 4. e3 Bf5 5. Bd3 Bxd3
6. cxd3 e6 7. Nf3 Be7 8. O-O O-O 9. Rc1 Nbd7 10. e4 h6 11. Bf4 dxe4 12. dxe4
Qa5 13. Qe2 Rfd8 14. a3 Nf8 {Although he has exchanged off only one piece,
Black can maneuver comfortably here, mainly becaue White has allowed his
important King bishop to be traded off. This great reduces White's
possibilities for Kingside attack; consequently, Black will eventually gain
the intitiative by pressuring White's centre} 15. h3 Ng6 16. Bh2 (16. Bg3 Nh5
17. Bh2 Ngf4 18. Qe3 Bg5 $1 19. Nxg5 Qxg5) 16... Rd7 17. Rc2 Nh7 $1 { with the
idea of ... Ng5 undermining Nf3 - the main defender of White's d-pawn} 18. Qe3
Rad8 19. Bg3 {intending Ph4 to prevent ... Ng5} 19... Ng5 $1 20. Nd2 {
protecting the d-pawn indirectly} 20... Qb6 (20... Rxd4 $2 21. Nb3) 21. Ne2 {
A critical moment. White guards the d-pawn and threatens to repulse Black's
pieces by 22. Nc4 or 22.Pf4} 21... c5 $1 { A powerful stroke. Now White's
proud centre is under full attack} 22. Nc4 (22. dxc5 Bxc5 $1 23. Qxc5 (23.
Rxc5 Rd3 $1 (23... Rxd2 $2 24. Bc7 $1) 24. Bc7 (24. Nc4 Rxe3 25. Nxb6 Rxe2 26.
Na4 Nxe4) 24... Rxe3 25. Bxb6 axb6 $1 26. fxe3 bxc5 {winning ending}) 23...
Qxc5 24. Rxc5 Rxd2 {wins a pawn}) 22... Qc6 23. f3 cxd4 24. Qd3 Nh7 25. f4 $2
{ A further weakening only weakens his e-pawn, which Black immediately
exploits} 25... Nf6 26. Nd2 (26. Ne5 Nxe5 27. fxe5 Qxe4) (26. e5 Ne4) 26...
Qxc2 $1 27. Qxc2 d3 28. Qc4 dxe2 29. Re1 Rxd2 { After a very long endgame
Black's material advantage finally won} 0-1
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Players | |
White | Bogolyubov |
Black | Kramer |
Game | |
Moves | 29 |
Opening | D00 — Trompowsky: 2...d5 |
Result | 0-1 |
Date | |
Tags |
Tournament | |
Tournament | Travemunde |
Location | ? |
Round | 0 |