Geller vs Szabo
[Event "Budapest"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Geller"] [Black "Szabo"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A40"] [Opening "Queen's Pawn: 1...e6 2.Nf3"] {The modern way of fighting agains the Stonewall - by installing the Knights at d3 and f3} 1. d4 e6 2. Nf3 f5 3. g3 Nf6 4. Bg2 Be7 5. O-O O-O 6. c4 d5 7. Nbd2 c6 8. Ne5 Nbd7 9. Nd3 Qe8 {here we see White adopting the latest, and - as it seems - the most effective, means of meeting the Stonewall. By placing his Knights on d3 and f3, he keeps all the central points under observation, and makes Black's task - the engineering of a Kingside attack - very difficult} 10. Qc2 {To relieve the Knight from guarding the c-pawn} 10... g5 (10... Bd6 { Playing into his opponent's hands} 11. Nf3 Ne4 12. Bf4 Bxf4 13. gxf4 { White holds all the trumps. He can operate at will on the Queenside or on the open g-file}) 11. Nf3 Ne4 (11... h6 {According to Botvinnik, the greatest expert in the domain of the Stonewall, 11. ... Ph6 is stronger}) 12. Rb1 $1 Bf6 13. b4 b5 {Otherwise White plays Pb5} 14. c5 a5 15. a3 { Wisely White avoids the complications of bxa5} (15. bxa5 Rxa5 16. Nfe5 Bxe5 17. dxe5 Qe7 18. f3 Nexc5 19. Bd2 Nxd3 20. Bxa5 N3xe5 { Tolush .. favourable game to Black}) 15... axb4 16. axb4 g4 17. Nfe5 Nxe5 ( 17... Bb7 18. Bh6 Bg7 19. Bxg7 Kxg7 20. f3 $16) 18. dxe5 Bd8 19. Bh6 Rf7 20. f3 $1 {It is apparent that the Black's Knight on e4 is not well placed} 20... Bg5 (20... gxf3 21. exf3 Ng5 22. h4) 21. Bxg5 Nxg5 22. fxg4 Rfa7 { Black tries to stem the tide by means of a counterattack} (22... fxg4 23. Nf2 h5 24. Qg6+) 23. gxf5 exf5 24. Qd2 Nf7 (24... Ne4 25. Qh6) 25. Qf4 Ra2 (25... Re7 26. Ra1 Rxa1 27. Rxa1 Nxe5 28. Nxe5 Rxe5 29. Bf3 {invasion on a-file}) 26. Qe3 Qe7 27. Bh3 Ng5 28. Bxf5 d4 29. Qxd4 Rxe2 30. Bxc8 Raa2 31. Nb2 Rxe5 32. Rbd1 Re2 33. Rd2 Rxd2 34. Qxd2 Ne4 35. Qf4 Rxb2 36. Be6+ $1 1-0
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OpeningA40 — Queen's Pawn: 1...e6 2.Nf3