Milner-Barry vs Botvinnik
[Event "5"] [Site "Hastings"] [Round "0"] [White "Milner-Barry"] [Black "Botvinnik"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "C17"] [Opening "French: Winawer, 5.a3"] {A familiar pawn formation arising from the French Defence} 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 Bxc3+ 6. bxc3 Ne7 7. Nf3 Nbc6 8. Be2 Bd7 9. O-O Qc7 10. Rb1 (10. a4 $1 {with the obect of placing his Bishop on a3. With this opportunity neglected, his prospects of counterplay are not birght. The b-file offers little and the f-file still less, as Black's next move shows}) 10... c4 11. Ne1 O-O-O $1 {Just as in the Wyvill formation, Black brings his king into safety on the Queenside. The consequence is that the advance of White's f-pawn and g-pawn (necessary for getting the f-file open) would now merely result in a serious weakening of the White King position} 12. f4 f6 13. Nf3 Nf5 14. Qe1 ( 14. g4 {White lets slip his last chance of counterplay. Admittedly, it wold be a risky advane in the present circumstances, but since a waiting policy will result in a certain defeat, the risk had to be faced} 14... Nfe7 15. Be3 h5 16. h3 hxg4 17. hxg4 Rh6 18. Kg2 Rdh8 19. Qd2) 14... h5 15. Nh4 Nce7 16. Nxf5 Nxf5 17. Qf2 Be8 18. Bd2 Qa5 19. Rb4 (19. Ra1 Qa4 20. Ra2 Bg6) 19... Qxa3 $1 { Exactly calculated, Black is not afraid of the attack which follows, since with the centre firmly closed only a fraction of White's army canparticipate} 20. Rfb1 Qa6 21. Qe1 (21. Rxb7 Qxb7 22. Rxb7 Kxb7 { Black's a-pawn will be the decisivie factor}) 21... b6 22. Ra1 Qb7 23. Bf3 Qe7 (23... -- 24. Rxc4+ (24. exf6 gxf6 25. Qxe6+)) 24. Ra6 (24. Rb2 -- 25. Rba2 -- 26. Bc1 -- 27. Ba3) 24... Bc6 25. Qa1 Kb8 26. g3 Qb7 27. Ra2 Rc8 28. Qe1 Qf7 29. Rb1 Kb7 30. Qf2 Ra8 31. Bc1 Rhg8 32. h4 (32. -- g5 33. exf6 g4 $1) 32... Rh8 33. Qg2 (33. Kh2 { Black now gets a direct attack against the two Kingside pawns}) 33... Qc7 34. Kh2 (34. Bd2 Rh6 35. Be1 Rg8) 34... Rh6 $1 35. Bd2 Rg6 36. Rg1 Rxg3 37. Qxg3 Nxg3 38. Rxg3 Qf7 39. Ra1 Rg8 40. Rag1 fxe5 41. fxe5 Qf5 42. Bd1 Ba4 43. Rf3 Qh7 44. Rf7+ Ka6 45. Rg5 Bxc2 46. Bf3 Qd3 47. Rg2 Qf1 48. Bxh5 Bf5 49. Bg4 Rh8 50. h5 Qd3 51. Be2 Qh3+ 52. Kg1 Rxh5 53. Bxh5 Qxh5 54. Rfxg7 Be4 0-1
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OpeningC17 — French: Winawer, 5.a3