Alekhine vs Keres
[Event "05"] [Site "Salzburg (12.06.42)"] [Round "0"] [White "Alekhine"] [Black "Keres"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C70"] [Opening "Spanish: 4.Ba4"] {The tactical significance of the support point d5} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Qe2 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 O-O 9. Rd1 Na5 10. Bc2 c5 11. d4 Qc7 12. Bg5 Bg4 13. dxe5 dxe5 14. Nbd2 Rfd8 15. Nf1 Nh5 $1 { Black is looking for counterplay by occupying f4} 16. h3 Be6 (16... Bxf3 17. Qxf3 Bxg5 18. Qxh5 Qe7 { Then if the Knight appears on e3 to occupy d5, Black takes it off}) 17. Ne3 $1 f6 18. Nh2 {A fine interpolation based on the tactical complications which could arise from Nd5} 18... g6 (18... Bf7 19. Nd5 $1 Rxd5 20. exd5 fxg5 21. d6 Bxd6 22. Qe4) 19. Bh6 Bf8 (19... Nf4 20. Bxf4 exf4 21. Nd5 Bxd5 22. exd5 { White avantage consists of the passed d-pawn and is certainly worth more than Black's doubledf-pawns}) 20. Bxf8 Kxf8 21. g3 { Eliminating the possibility of ... Nf4} 21... Rxd1+ (21... Bxh3 22. Nd5 Qa7 23. g4 Nf4 24. Nxf4 exf4 25. Qf3 {winning a piece}) 22. Bxd1 Rd8 23. a4 Nc4 24. axb5 axb5 25. Nd5 {White retains the initiative, although the pawn sacrifice involved in the move is not altogether clear} 25... Qb7 (25... Bxd5 26. exd5 Rxd5 27. b3 Nd6 28. Qe3 $1 Nb7 {White gets some attack for the pawn}) 26. b3 Nd6 27. c4 bxc4 28. bxc4 Bxd5 29. exd5 {Just as in the previous game the occupation of the support point has produced a protected passed pawn. Although Black occupies the blockaded square in front of this pawn in the best possible way - with a knight - yet indirect pressure which emanates from the passed pawn is so great that White is enabled to carry out successful operations in other sectors of the board} 29... Ng7 30. Ng4 Qe7 31. Bc2 Nge8 32. h4 e4 33. Ne3 {heading for Nf4} 33... Qe5 $2 {This move really spoils Black's game} ( 33... f5) 34. Ra7 $1 Kg8 35. Ng4 Qd4 (35... Qb2 36. Nh6+ Kh8 (36... Kf8 37. Qxe4)) 36. Bxe4 $1 f5 (36... Qxe4 37. Nh6+ Kh8 38. Qxe4 Nxe4 39. Nf7+) 37. Nh6+ Kh8 38. Bc2 Qf6 39. Qe6 Qxe6 40. dxe6 Rc8 41. Nf7+ Nxf7 42. exf7 Nd6 43. Bd3 Kg7 44. f8=Q+ Kxf8 45. Rxh7 Kg8 46. Rd7 Ne8 47. h5 gxh5 48. Bxf5 Ra8 49. Be6+ Kh8 50. Rd5 Nf6 51. Rxc5 Kg7 52. Kg2 Ra2 53. Bf5 Ra3 54. Rc7+ Kh6 55. Rf7 Ra6 56. f4 h4 57. g4 1-0
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OpeningC70 — Spanish: 4.Ba4
LocationSalzburg (12.06.42)