Euwe vs Reshevsky
[Event "Neuhausen"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Euwe"]
[Black "Reshevsky"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "E41"]
[Opening "Nimzo-Indian: 4.e3 c5 5.Bd3"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 c5 5. Bd3 O-O 6. a3 Bxc3+ 7. bxc3 b6 8.
Ne2 Bb7 9. O-O d6 10. Qc2 d5 11. cxd5 Qxd5 12. Nf4 Qc6 13. c4 cxd4 14. exd4
Nbd7 15. Bb2 Rfe8 16. Rfe1 Rac8 17. Rac1 Nf8 18. Bf1 {In view of Blak'cs
threat ... Ng6, White must do something about the impending mate at g2} (18.
f3 Ng6 19. Nxg6 hxg6 20. Qf2) 18... Ng6 19. Nxg6 $2 {Now White will be on the
defensive} ( 19. Nd3 $1 b5 20. Nc5 {better propsects}) 19... hxg6 20. Re3 Red8
21. Qe2 { White must leave the c-file in view of Black's threatened ... Pb5}
21... Qd6 22. Rh3 Qf4 $1 {Showing how vital are the vacant central squares}
23. Rd1 Ba6 24. Rf3 Qe4 25. Re3 Qg4 26. f3 Qf4 27. g3 {White succeeds in
controlling the vacant central squares at the cost of weakening his King
position} 27... Qh6 28. Rc3 Qg5 29. Qf2 Rd7 30. Rdc1 Rdc7 31. R1c2 Qa5 32. Bc1
$2 { A serious mistake} (32. Rc1 { A passive procedure, but a policy by which
he might have been able to survive}) 32... Nd5 {pint tactic} 33. cxd5 Rxc3 34.
Rxc3 Qxc3 (34... Rxc3 35. Bd2) 35. Bb2 Qb3 36. Bxa6 Rc2 37. d6 Rxf2 38. d7 Qd5
39. Kxf2 Qxd7 0-1
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