Kramer vs Busek
[Event "Vienna"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Kramer"] [Black "Busek"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "D11"] [Opening "Slav: 4.e3 g6"] {The proverbial "making somethig out of nothing" consists, in fact of activity } 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. e3 g6 5. Nc3 Bg7 6. Qb3 O-O 7. Bd2 e6 8. Bd3 Nbd7 9. O-O b6 10. cxd5 { This exchange after Black commits Nb8 ... else Nc6 is playable} 10... exd5 11. e4 $1 {White is ahead in development, but if the position retains its closed character he will not be able to make anything out of it. Black will automatically make up his leeway (threatening ... Be6 and ... Bd5 blockading the IQP)} 11... dxe4 12. Nxe4 Nxe4 13. Bxe4 Nb8 14. d5 $1 { Playing to dissolve the isolated pawn and reach an open game} 14... Bb7 15. Bg5 Qd7 16. dxc6 {Played in accordance with the rule that an advantage in development is best exploited in an open game.} (16. Rad1 c5 { Black keeps the play closed}) 16... Bxc6 17. Rfd1 Qb7 18. Bd5 $1 { The only move to keep the initiative.} (18. Bxc6 Nxc6 { Black gains an important tempo}) 18... Bxd5 19. Rxd5 h6 (19... Bxb2 20. Qxb2 Qxd5 21. Bh6 f6 22. Bxf8 Kxf8 23. Qxf6+ { White's initiative has become a real attack}) (19... Nc6 20. Rad1 { threatening the 7th rank}) 20. Be3 Nc6 {Black is threatening to reach full equality by ... Rad8; how can White retain the initiative?} 21. Rd6 $1 { Showing the ... Ph6 was a weakening move. White threatens Rxg6} 21... Kh7 ( 21... Rad8 22. Rxg6 Na5 23. Rxg7+ Kxg7 24. Qc3+ { White has an attack full of promise}) 22. Qb5 $1 {Now the Knight can not very well move away, as then the White Rook would invade the seventh rank} 22... Rac8 (22... Na5 23. Rd7) 23. Rad1 Rfd8 {Black has achieved his immediate aim - the neutralizing and subsequent exchange of Rooks. But White's initiative continues unabated} 24. h4 $1 $36 Rxd6 25. Rxd6 Bf8 { A necessary preparation for the exchange of the remaining pair of Rooks} 26. Rd1 Bg7 (26... Rd8 27. Rxd8 Nxd8 28. h5) 27. h5 Qe7 28. b3 Rd8 29. Rxd8 Nxd8 30. Qd5 $1 {Powerful centralization of the Queen} 30... Ne6 31. hxg6+ fxg6 32. a4 {White's initiative has now gather decisive momentum} 32... Bf6 (32... Nc5 33. a5 Qd7 34. Qxd7 Nxd7 35. axb6 Nxb6 (35... axb6 36. Kf1 Kg8 37. Ke2 Kf7 38. Kd3 Ke6 39. Kc4 Kd6 40. Kb5) 36. Bxb6 axb6 37. Kf1 Kg8 38. Ke2 Kf7 39. Kd3 Ke6 40. Kc4 Kd6 41. Kb5 Kc7 42. Nh4 g5 43. Nf5 $16) 33. a5 Ng5 (33... bxa5 34. Qxa5 ) (33... Nc5 34. b4 Na4 35. Qc6) 34. axb6 Nxf3+ 35. Qxf3 axb6 36. Qc6 Bg5 37. Bxb6 Qe1+ 38. Kh2 Qe5+ 39. g3 Bf6 40. Qc7+ Kg8 41. Qxe5 Bxe5 42. Kg2 Kf7 43. Kf3 Ke6 44. Ke4 h5 45. b4 Bb8 46. Be3 Bd6 47. b5 Be7 48. f4 h4 49. g4 1-0
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OpeningD11 — Slav: 4.e3 g6