Tolush vs Botvinnik
[Event "Russia"] [Site "Ch URS, Leningrad (2)"] [Round "0"] [White "Tolush"] [Black "Botvinnik"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "D82"] [Opening "Gruenfeld: 4.Bf4 Bg7 5.e3"] {By means of an Exchange sacrifice Black punishes White's premature initiative } 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Bf4 Bg7 5. e3 O-O 6. Rc1 c5 7. dxc5 Qa5 8. cxd5 Rd8 9. Qd2 Nxd5 10. Bc7 (10. Nxd5 Qxd2+ 11. Kxd2 Rxd5+ 12. Kc2 Bf5+ 13. Kb3 Rd2 $19 {winning attack}) 10... Qxc7 11. Nxd5 Rxd5 $1 {This Excahnge sacrifice, forced incidentally, allows Black to seize the initiative} 12. Qxd5 Be6 13. Qd2 Nc6 14. Rd1 $2 (14. Bd3 Rd8 15. Qe2 Ne5 16. Rd1 Qa5+ 17. Kf1 Rxd3 $1 {pinning tactics} 18. Rxd3 Bc4 $19) (14. Rc3 {returning the exchange}) 14... Rd8 15. Qc1 Qa5+ { Now the wretched position of the White King brings its retribution} 16. Rd2 { Critical position} 16... Rd5 (16... Bxa2) 17. Ne2 (17. -- { Threatening to turn the board into a slaughter house} 17... Rxc5 18. Qb1 Bxa2 19. Qa1 Nb4) 17... Rxc5 18. Nc3 Bxc3 19. bxc3 Rxc3 20. Qb2 Ra3 {A sorry situati on, and a drastic demonstration of the consequences of having one's King caught in the middle. Hard pressed by threats from all directions, he is still unable to complete his development, and far from enjoying hte advantage of the Exchange, he finds himself in effect two pieces short on the Kingside} 21. Qb5 Qc3 (21... Rxa2 $2 {Keep pieces on the board!}) 22. Qb2 Qc5 23. Qb1 (23. Be2 Rxa2 24. Qb1 Qc3 25. Qd1 Nb4 $19) 23... Bxa2 $1 24. Rxa2 Qa5+ (24... Rxa2 $4 { lazy calculation}) 25. Rd2 Ra1 26. Bd3 Rxb1+ 27. Bxb1 Ne5 {Even now White could put up a respectable fight if only he could castle and get his King into safety. But Black holds on this his advantage with an iron hand} 28. Ke2 Qb5+ 29. Bd3 Nxd3 30. Rxd3 a5 (30... f5) 31. Rhd1 Qc4 (31... a4) 32. Kf3 {At last th e Rooks are free to cooperate, and the King is not in immediate danger; but now, with Black's united passed pawns advancing irresistibly, it is all too late} 32... b5 (32... h5 {cheapos}) 33. Rd7 b4 34. Ra7 a4 (34... Qc6+ { no time to waste}) 35. Rd8+ Kg7 36. Rda8 a3 37. g3 Qb5 (37... Qc5 { get the Queen behind the passed pawns}) 0-1
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OpeningD82 — Gruenfeld: 4.Bf4 Bg7 5.e3
LocationCh URS, Leningrad (2)