Alekhine vs West
[Event "Portsmouth/Southsea (06)"]
[Site "Portsmouth/Southsea (06)"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Alekhine"]
[Black "West"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E10"]
[Opening "Neo-Indian: 3.Nf3"]
{Avoidance of Knight exchange enables White to keep the initiative} 1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 Be7 5. Bg5 Nbd7 6. e3 O-O 7. Rc1 c6 8. Bd3 Re8 9.
O-O dxc4 10. Bxc4 Nd5 11. Ne4 { avoiding exchanges except for more pieces on
the Kingside} 11... Bxg5 12. Nfxg5 N7f6 13. Ng3 $1 {White avoids a Knight
exchange in order to confront his opponent with maximum difficulty in his
development} 13... h6 14. Nf3 Nb6 15. Bb3 Nbd7 {Black aims for the freeing
advance ... Pe5} 16. e4 e5 17. dxe5 Ng4 18. e6 $1 {Thus White ensures himself
a definite advantage. The Black pawn on e6 will not only be weak, but also an
obstacle} 18... fxe6 19. Nd4 Nde5 20. h3 Nf6 21. f4 Nf7 22. Kh1 {With Black
unable to undertake anything of importance, White prepares a Kingside attack
at his leisure} (22. e5) 22... a5 23. Rc3 Qb6 24. e5 Nd5 25. Nh5 Re7 (25...
Nxc3 26. Qg4 g5 27. Nf6+ Kf8 28. bxc3) 26. Rg3 Nh8 27. Qd3 Qc7 28. Bxd5 (28.
Bd1 Nb4 29. Qh7+ Kxh7 30. Rxg7+ Rxg7 31. Nf6+ Kg6 32. Bh5# {"My Best Games of
Chess 1908-23 Alekhine". But ... Nb4 is not forced} ) 28... exd5 29. Nf6+ Kf8
(29... Kf7 30. Rxg7+ Kxg7 31. Qh7+ Kf8 32. Qg8#) 30. Qh7 1-0
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