Idigoras vs Panno
[Event "Mar del Plata"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Idigoras"]
[Black "Panno"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "1r3rk1/qn2pp2/b2p1npb/2p3N1/1p1P1N2/1P2P1PB/PBR2P2/3QR1K1 w - - 0 1"]
{A long term offer at g6.} 1. Nxg6 $3 { The knight sacrifice comes like the
proverbial thunderclap out of a clear sky} 1... fxg6 (1... Bxg5 2. Nxe7+ Kg7
3. f4 Bh6 4. dxc5 { White's Bishops dominate the board}) 2. Be6+ Kg7 3. f4 Nd8
{ Trying to rush reserves to the threatened Kingside} 4. d5 Bc8 5. Rh2 Bxe6 {
This removes the dangerous piece from White's attack. Nevertheless Black
remains remarkablyhelpless} 6. dxe6 Qa6 7. Qg4 Rh8 { In order to unpin the
Knight with Kf8} 8. Nf3 Qd3 9. e4 c4 10. bxc4 Qxc4 $2 ( 10... Rc8 11. f5 Be3+)
11. f5 $1 g5 12. Qh5 $1 (12. Nxg5 Kf8 $17) 12... Kf8 13. Qg6 Bg7 14. Rxh8+
Bxh8 15. Nxg5 Bg7 16. Nh7+ Kg8 (16... Nxh7 17. Bxg7+ Kg8 18. Bh6+ Kh8 19.
Qg7#) 17. Bxf6 exf6 18. Nxf6+ Kh8 19. Qh7# 1-0
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