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Top Grand Master Games with win and winning Games from 2000 in rating: 18. April to 24. April 2017.

Guide Chess Table:

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128Ragnarsson, H.1608Hill, A.22090-127 ≣A15Reykjavik Open 201719 Apr 2017
168Gara, T.2325Gevorgyan, M.22270-137 ≣A1518th ch-EUR Indiv...19 Apr 2017
384Flores, D.2568Bachmann, A.26461-019 ≣A15Jorge Szmetan Mem...20 Apr 2017
434Galanakis, N.1588Maris, I.19670-136 ≣A1520th Heraklion Op...20 Apr 2017
456Deglmann, L.2304Gstach, J.22910-135 ≣A15TCh-AUT 2016-1720 Apr 2017
505Bjornsson, S.2279Mai, A.18131-043 ≣A15Reykjavik Open 201721 Apr 2017
562Vo Thanh Ninh2414To, N.23131-042 ≣A15ch-VIE 201721 Apr 2017
564Lu Chan Hung2197Phan, P.19811-037 ≣A15ch-VIE 201721 Apr 2017
588Friedel, M.2182Antic, D.24721-040 ≣A1520th Heraklion Op...21 Apr 2017
643Ptacnikova, L.2242Zemlicka, V.19841-042 ≣A15Reykjavik Open 201722 Apr 2017
729Ateka, N.2123Van Zyl-Rudd, J.20751-035 ≣A15PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
742Jere, D.2384Amonatov, F.26320-133 ≣A15PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
751Tembo, E.1819Ateka, N.21230-138 ≣A15PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
759Jere, D.2384Paiva, D.21591-038 ≣A15PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
791Zwardon, V.2406Rakus, P.22431-043 ≣A1532nd Bohuslavice ...22 Apr 2017
920Jere, D.2384Mosetlhe, K.21621-028 ≣A15PSS Prestige Rapi...23 Apr 2017