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Top Grand Master Games with win and winning Games from 2000 in rating: 18. April to 24. April 2017.

Guide Chess Table:

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149Steinthorsson, B.1040Larson, G.21040-129B20Reykjavik Open 201719 Apr 2017
253Savage, A.2067Kristinsson, M.17830-138 ≣B20Reykjavik Open 201720 Apr 2017
280Ulfsson, O.1802Kristbergsson, B.10601-023 ≣B20Reykjavik Open 201720 Apr 2017
483Barthel, A.2166Guramishvili, S.23630-123 ≣B20Reykjavik Open 201721 Apr 2017
613Theuretzbacher, K.2249Pinter, E.23790-143 ≣B20TCh-AUT 2016-1721 Apr 2017
728Oberholzer, F.2034Van Rensburg, R.22360-137 ≣B20PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
750Oberholzer, F.2034Simutowe, M.21981-033 ≣B20PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
841Savage, A.2067Davidsson, O.18181-035 ≣B20Reykjavik Open 201723 Apr 2017
887Chernyak, V.2241Rodionova, D.21641-029 ≣B20ch-RUS Junior Gir...23 Apr 2017
918Oberholzer, F.2034Amonatov, F.26320-128 ≣B20PSS Prestige Rapi...23 Apr 2017