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Top Grand Master Games with win and winning Games from 2000 in rating: 18. April to 24. April 2017.

Guide Chess Table:

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930Ciesielski, M.1366Babazada, K.20050-136 ≣E90World Schools U17...23 Apr 2017
866Ren, X.2262Wang Jue23350-126 ≣E90ch-CHN w 201723 Apr 2017
817Nihal, S.2424Maroroa, S.21481-026 ≣E90Reykjavik Open 201723 Apr 2017
767Bornheim, C.1968Steyn, H.18201-039 ≣E90PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
766Paiva, D.2159Ateka, N.21231-033 ≣E90PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
737Paiva, D.2159Steyn, H.18201-044 ≣E90PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
560Maltsevskaya, A.2238Obolentseva, A.23460-140 ≣E90ch-RUS Junior Gir...21 Apr 2017
311Webb, L.2271Jacobsen, H.19511-042 ≣E90Reykjavik Open 201720 Apr 2017
277Kristofersson, S.1197Mai, A.18130-124 ≣E90Reykjavik Open 201720 Apr 2017