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Top Grand Master Games with win and winning Games from 2000 in rating: 18. April to 24. April 2017.

Guide Chess Table:

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921De Abreu, R.2110Khumalo, K.17201-035 ≣E00PSS Prestige Rapi...23 Apr 2017
914Van Zyl-Rudd, J.2075De Abreu, R.21100-117 ≣A45PSS Prestige Rapi...23 Apr 2017
909De Abreu, R.2110Tembo, E.18191-037 ≣D00PSS Prestige Rapi...23 Apr 2017
765Manan, Y.2072De Abreu, R.21101-019 ≣C17PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
760De Abreu, R.2110Pon, M.21650-144 ≣E60PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
752Levy, D.De Abreu, R.21100-140 ≣C15PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
730De Abreu, R.2110Frick, D.17781-019 ≣D17PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
716Makoto, R.2378De Abreu, R.21101-028 ≣A04PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017