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Top Grand Master Games with win and winning Games from 2000 in rating: 18. April to 24. April 2017.

Guide Chess Table:

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790Navara, D.2732Zpevak, P.23511-031 ≣B4532nd Bohuslavice ...22 Apr 2017
787Kriebel, T.2462Navara, D.27320-139 ≣C7032nd Bohuslavice ...22 Apr 2017
786Navara, D.2732Vrana, F.22401-025 ≣A8132nd Bohuslavice ...22 Apr 2017
785Vesselovsky, S.2344Navara, D.27320-130 ≣A0632nd Bohuslavice ...22 Apr 2017
783Navara, D.2732Sobek, J.22021-026 ≣B9032nd Bohuslavice ...22 Apr 2017
779Bures, M.2084Navara, D.27320-129 ≣A0932nd Bohuslavice ...22 Apr 2017
776Navara, D.2732Novacek, P.19511-035 ≣A0532nd Bohuslavice ...22 Apr 2017
773Kana, Z.1675Navara, D.27320-123 ≣B5032nd Bohuslavice ...22 Apr 2017