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Top Grand Master Games with win and winning Games from 2000 in rating: 18. April to 24. April 2017.

Guide Chess Table:

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724Paiva, D.2159Shlaka, N.18261-025 ≣A50PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
737Paiva, D.2159Steyn, H.18201-044 ≣E90PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
744Bouah, L.2115Paiva, D.21590-140 ≣E70PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
749Paiva, D.2159Sriram, J.23960-126 ≣E70PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
759Jere, D.2384Paiva, D.21591-038 ≣A15PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
766Paiva, D.2159Ateka, N.21231-033 ≣E90PSS Prestige Rapi...22 Apr 2017
905Paiva, D.2159Mosetlhe, K.21620-135 ≣E32PSS Prestige Rapi...23 Apr 2017
913Manan, Y.2072Paiva, D.21591-043 ≣B54PSS Prestige Rapi...23 Apr 2017
922Parodi, A.2027Paiva, D.21590-144 ≣E70PSS Prestige Rapi...23 Apr 2017