Masruri Rahman FM (2327) vs Andrew Wilson (1750)
[Event " online game"]
[Date "2024.08.25"]
[White "Masruri Rahman FM"]
[Black "Andrew Wilson"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2327"]
[BlackElo "1750"]
[ECO "A00"]
[Opening "Polish: 1...Nf6 2.Bb2"]
1.b4 {AW win against FIDE Master
Polish Opening} Nf6 2.Bb2 d5 3.e3 c6 4.Nf3 Bg4 5.Be2 e6 6.b5 Nbd7 7.a4 Be7
8.h3 Bxf3 9.gxf3 c5 10.Rg1 O-O 11.d3 Qc7 12.Nd2 Qh2 13.Rg3 Nh5 14.Nf1 Qh1
15.Rg4 f5 16.Rg3 Nxg3 17.fxg3 Qxh3 18.Kd2 Rac8 19.c4 dxc4 20.dxc4 Bf6 21.Kc2
Rfd8 22.Qe1 Bxb2 23.Kxb2 Ne5 24.Kc2 Qg2 25.Nd2 Rd7 26.Qf1 Qxf1 27.Rxf1 Rcd8
28.Nb1 Nd3 29.f4 Nb4+ 30.Kb3 b6 31.Rh1 h6 32.Nc3 Rd2 33.g4 Rc2 34.Bd1 Rf2
35.gxf5 exf5 36.Bh5 Rd3 {#R} 0-1
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Players | |
White | Masruri Rahman FM (2327) |
Black | Andrew Wilson (1750) |
Game | |
Moves | 36 |
Opening | A00 — Polish: 1...Nf6 2.Bb2 |
Result | 0-1 |
Date | August 25, 2024 |
Tags |
Tournament | |
Tournament | online game |
Location | |
Round |