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53Marquina, E.1645Voje, D.16380-132 ≣A04Thursday Knighter...01 Feb 2018
166Lothrop, B.1209Juntunen, S.21330-133 ≣A04Thursday Knighter...22 Mar 2018
376Krusack, M.1924Louie, T.15061-036 ≣A04Thursday Knighter...14 Jun 2018
393Myrin, N.1974Wasserman, E.19280-169 ≣A04Thursday Knighter...21 Jun 2018
463Zelkind, E.2200Newhall, P.1067½-½34 ≣A04Thursday Knighter...19 Jul 2018
728Hunt, E.1912Boardman, L.19311-050 ≣A04Thursday Knighter...29 Nov 2018
775Krusack, M.1924Newhall, P.10671-031 ≣A04Thursday Knighter...27 Dec 2018