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191Nathan, J.1548Roland, J.17820-144 ≣C42Idaho Closed14 Feb 2016
157Nathan, J.1395Roland, J.1730½-½48 ≣C42Idaho Closed14 Feb 2015
152Nathan, J.1391Roland, J.17030-123C42Western Idaho Open13 Dec 2014
147Roland, J.1781Nathan, J.11641-026 ≣E10Eastern Idaho Open20 Sep 2014
143Nathan, J.1164Roland, J.17181-025 ≣C10ICA Players Memorial23 Aug 2014
125Nathan, J.1066Roland, J.17010-155 ≣C42Eastern Idaho Open19 Oct 2013
103Roland, J.1700Nathan, J.6651-037 ≣B23Eastern Idaho Open22 Sep 2012
68Nathan, J.1548Roland, J.17820-144 ≣C42Idaho Closed14 Feb 2016
53Nathan, J.1395Roland, J.1730½-½48 ≣C42Idaho Closed14 Feb 2015
33Nathan, J.1548Roland, J.17820-144 ≣C42Idaho Closed14 Feb 2016
18Nathan, J.1395Roland, J.1730½-½48 ≣C42Idaho Closed14 Feb 2015