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Top Grand Master Games with win and Games from 2000 in rating: 6. March to 13. March 2017.

Guide Chess Table:

121 of the Games are with win within the first 30 moves. That involves some Opening Traps and errors in the Opening.

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674Nestorovic, K.2134Dragomirescu, A.22100-122 ≣B0749th Belgrade WGM...06 Mar 2017
672Lyell, M.2224Bach, M.22111-049 ≣B07FSIM March 201706 Mar 2017
351Ruston, M.2029Mitchell, M.22080-135 ≣B0741st Blackpool Co...10 Mar 2017
337Zarkovic, M.2238Dragomirescu, A.22101-033 ≣B0749th Belgrade WGM...10 Mar 2017
286Wikman, J.2036Hokkanen, P.22510-138 ≣B07TCh-FIN 2016-1711 Mar 2017
266Souleidis, G.2401Leisner, H.22711-048 ≣B07German Cup Interm...11 Mar 2017
236Ahmadzada, A.2343Rasulov, V.25060-165 ≣B0772nd ch-AZE 201711 Mar 2017
219Nestorovic, K.2134Dimitrijevic, A.22620-152 ≣B0749th Belgrade WGM...11 Mar 2017
104Hollan, P.2332Machan, J.22941-030 ≣B07ch-CZE Junior 201712 Mar 2017