Spassky vs Fischer
[Event "Belgrade"] [Site "?"] [Round "16"] [White "Spassky"] [Black "Fischer"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A56"] [Opening "Benoni: 3.d5 d6 4.Nc3 g6"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 d6 {Like a conjurer, Fischer pulls yet another surprise opening out of his sleeve. He plans to go his own way in this opening, neither opting for the popular Benko Gambit nor playing the standard modern Benoni idea of e7- e6.} 4. Nc3 g6 5. e4 Bg7 6. Bg5 {This is played in the spirit of the Averbakh Variation of the King's Indian. Other ideas include 6. Nf3 and 6.Bd3. This line leads to greater complications appropriate to the match standing.} 6... h6 7. Bh4 {An unusual choice. Usually the bishop retreats along the c1-h6 diagonal and later forms a battery with the queen. Now Black can develop counterplay quickly.} 7... g5 8. Bg3 Qa5 {Black must not delay his counterplay! 8...O-O 9.Bd3 would give White excellent attacking prospects.} 9. Bd3 {Inviting immediate complications, but this is still known to theory. 9.Qd2 is correct.} 9... Nxe4 10. Bxe4 Bxc3+ 11. bxc3 Qxc3+ 12. Kf1 { After a few forced moves Black is a piece down for two pawns, but White's material advantage cannot be maintained.} 12... f5 {By sacrificing a piece for two pawns, Black attacks both of White's bishops, deprives the enemy monarch of his castling privilege and thereby disrupts the communication of the rooks. 12...Qxc4+ 13.Bd3 Qxd5?? 14.Bb5+ wins the queen.} 13. Rc1 { 13.Ne2 Qf6 14.Bc2 f4 15.h4 Rf8 and White has a hopeless position.} 13... Qf6 14. h4 {14.Qh5+ Kd8 15.h4 g4! A theme later exploited by Fischer.} 14... g4 15. Bd3 {White has to part with one of his bishops, but which one? The dark- squared bishop seems more important. 15.Bxf5!? deserves consideration, enabling White to complete his development.} 15... f4 16. Ne2 fxg3 17. Nxg3 { Things have calmed down a bit, and Black has an extra pawn, but some weak light-squares.} 17... Rf8 18. Rc2 {White is almost out of the woods, but his rook still stands idly at h1, and this is all Fischer needs to get things going.} 18... Nd7 {Black returns the pawn for rapid mobilization.} 19. Qxg4 Ne5 20. Qe4 Bd7 21. Kg1 O-O-O {Black is now ready for action, while his opponent is still playing without a rook, and it cannot be brought into the game quickly.} 22. Bf1 {22.Kh2 Ng4+ 23.Kg1 Qa1+ 22.Nh5 Qf7 22.f3 Rg8!} 22... Rg8 23. f4 Nxc4 {A crucial intermediate move. 23...Rxg3 24.fxe5 would have given White some chances.} 24. Nh5 Qf7 25. Qxc4 Qxh5 26. Rb2 Rg3 { The beginning of the final offensive.} 27. Be2 Qf7 28. Bf3 Rdg8 29. Qb3 { 29.Kf2 Qg7 30.Rhb1 Rxg2+} 29... b6 30. Qe3 Qf6 31. Re2 Bb5 32. Rd2 { 32.Qxe7 Qxe7 33.Rxe7 Rxf3!} 32... e5 {Fischer finishes with surgical precision. } 33. dxe6 {33.Rf2 exf4} 33... Bc6 34. Kf1 Bxf3 { Spassky resigned in the face of Qa1+.} 0-1
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OpeningA56 — Benoni: 3.d5 d6 4.Nc3 g6