Spassky vs Fischer
[Event "Sveti Stefan"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Spassky"]
[Black "Fischer"]
[ECO "E70"]
[Opening "King's Indian: 4.e4 d6"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 {The King's Indian, another Fischer favorite.}
4. e4 d6 5. f3 {The sharp Saemisc h variation, though dulled somewhat by
Spassky's choice of continuations.} 5... c5 { Normal is 5...O-O, but the early
hypermodern advance is also seen.} 6. dxc5 { 6.d5 would lead to an ultra-sharp
Modern Benoni, but Spassky prefers the accepted line, which lead to an early
endgame.} 6... dxc5 7. Qxd8+ Kxd8 8. Be3 {8.e5?! Nfd7 9.f4 f6! 10.exf6 exf6
11.Bd2 Re8+ 12.Be2 Nc6 13.O-O-O Nd4= was agreed drawn in Marovic-Ivkov, Malaga
1981.} 8... Nfd7 9. Nge2 {9.O-O-O b6 10. f4 Bxc3 11.bxc3 Bb7 12.Nf3 Ke8 13.e5
Bxf3 14.gxf3 f5 15.exf6 Nxf6 16.f5 gave White an advantage in
Spassky-Gheorghiu,} 9... b6 10. O-O-O {Now Fischer introduces a completely new
plan, developing his knight on the flank.} 10... Na6 11. g3 Nc7 12. f4 e6 {The
Black knights look very artificial.} 13. Bh3 { This connects the rooks and
prepares f4-f5, but White could have played more strongly by exchanging
light-squared bishops. 13.e5!? Bb7 14.Rg1 Ke7 15. Bg2 Bxg2 16.Rxg2 f6 17.g4!
fxe5 18.f5! and White has a strong attack.} 13... Ke7 14. Rhf1 h6 15. e5 Bb7
16. g4 {White prepares to play Ng3 and f5.} 16... Rad8 17. Ng3 f6 18. Nce4
fxe5 19. f5 { White has full compensation for the sacrificed pawn, but Fischer
defends well.} 19... Bxe4 20. Nxe4 gxf5 21. gxf5 Nf6 22. Rg1 {This lets
Fischer escape. 22. Ng3!? Rxd1+ 23.Kxd1 Rd8+ 24.Ke2 gives White a dangerous
initiative. After capturing on e6, the light squares will be very weak.} 22...
Rxd1+ 23. Kxd1 Bf8 24. Nxf6 Kxf6 25. Rf1 exf5 26. Rxf5+ Kg7 27. Rxe5 {This is
natural, but nevertheless questionable, since Black can now both consolidate
his position and win the important pawn at h2. 27.Rf2! deserved consideration,
for example Be7 28.Bd2 Rd8 29.Ke2 intending 30.Bc3.} 27... Bd6 28. Re4 Bxh2
29. Ke2 h5 { This modest pawn will reach the seventh rank in a few moves and
dramatically grow in stature.} 30. Re7+ Kf6 31. Rd7 Be5 32. b3 h4 33. Kf3 Rg8
34. Bg4 { This is wrong, though few commentators noticed it at the time.
Alternatives promised excellent drawing chances. 34.Bf4! Bxf4 35.Kxf4 Ne6+ 36.
Bxe6 Kxe6 37. Rxa7 Rh8 38.Rg7 h3 39.Rg6+! Ke7 40.Rg1=} 34... h3 35. Rh7 h2 36.
Bf4 Rf8 { A very strong move. White now must part with the exchange because of
the threat of 37...Kg6.} 37. Bxe5+ { 37.Bxh2 Kg6+ 38.Ke4 Kxh7 39.Bxe5 gives
White more chances to escape.} 37... Kg6+ 38. Ke4 Kxh7 39. Bxh2 Re8+ 40. Kf5 {
Intending to tether Black's king to the edge of the board. 40.Kd3 is no
better. } 40... Ne6 41. Kf6 Nd4 {Fischer has achieved a technically winning
position, but surprisingly he does not find the resources to crush his
opponent.} 42. Bd6 Re4 43. Bd7 Re2 44. a4 Rb2 {44...Nxb3 was more logical, but
even after the text the position is still a win.} 45. Bb8 a5 46. Ba7 Rxb3 47.
Ke5 Nf3+ 48. Kd6 Nd2 49. Be6 Rb4 50. Kc6 Nb3 {This throws away the win.
50...Nxc4 51.Bxc4 Rxc4 52.Kxb6 Rxa4 53.Kxc5 Kg6 54.Kb5 Ra2 55. Bc5 a4 56.Kb4
Kf5 and the Black king will march to d3.} (50... Nxc4 51. Bxc4 Rxc4 52. Kxb6
Rxa4 53. Kxc5 Kg6 54. Kb5 Ra2 55. Bc5 a4 56. Kb4 Kf5) 51. Bd5 Rxa4 52. Bxb6
Ra1 53. Bxc5 a4 54. Bb4 { Now the winning chances are gone, since the c-pawn
is preserved.} 54... a3 55. c5 Nd4+ 56. Kd7 Rd1 {56...a2 57.Bxa2! Rxa2 58.c6=}
57. Bxa3 Nc2 58. c6 Rxd5+ 59. Bd6 {Agreed drawn, because a piece must be
sacrificed to stop the pawn. Try playing on against Gambit if you need proof.}
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