Looney, Daniel S (1552) vs Featherston, Scott
[Event "NIO"] [Site "Moscow, ID"] [Date "2004.07.17"] [Round "2.8"] [White "Looney, Daniel S"] [Black "Featherston, Scott"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1552"] [ECO "C40"] [Opening "Open Game: Greco Defence"] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Qf6 3. d4 d6 4. Bg5 Qg6 5. Bd3 exd4 6. O-O h6 7. Bh4 Bd7 8. Nxd4 Nc6 9. e5 f5 10. e6 Nxd4 11. exd7+ Kxd7 12. c3 Nc6 13. Qc2 Nge7 14. Re1 Ne5 15. Bxe7 Bxe7 16. Bxf5+ Qxf5 17. Qxf5+ Kc6 18. Nd2 Raf8 19. Qe4+ Kd7 20. Nc4 Nc6 21. Rad1 g5 22. Ne5+ Nxe5 23. Qxe5 Rh7 24. Qe4 Rhf7 25. Re2 h5 26. Rde1 Re8 27. Qxb7 g4 28. Qxa7 h4 29. Qa4+ Kd8 30. Qa8+ Kd7 31. Qxe8+ Kxe8 32. Rxe7+ Rxe7 33. Rxe7+ Kxe7 34. f3 Kf6 35. fxg4 Ke5 36. h3 c5 37. a4 d5 38. a5 Kd6 39. a6 Kc7 40. a7 Kb7 41. g5 d4 42. cxd4 cxd4 43. g6 d3 44. Kf2 Kxa7 45. g7 Kb6 46. g8=Q d2 47. Ke2 d1=Q+ 48. Kxd1 Kc5 49. Kd2 Kd4 50. Qg5 Ke4 51. Qe7+ Kf4 52. Kd3 Kg3 53. Ke4 Kxg2 54. Kf4 Kxh3 55. Qe3+ Kg2 56. Qf3+ Kh2 57. Kg4 h3 58. Qf2+ Kh1 59. Kg3 h2 60. Qg2# 1-0
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WhiteLooney, Daniel S (1552)
BlackFeatherston, Scott
OpeningC40 — Open Game: Greco Defence
DateJuly 17, 2004
LocationMoscow, ID